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About Me

I’m a associate professor of radiology and a neuroradiologist working in Turku University Central Hospital in Emergency Radiology Department and University of Turku.

I attented Turku University Medical School from 1997 to 2003 and got my medical degree (MD). I worked on my thesis in Turku PET Centre from 2003 to 2005. I started my radiology training in Hämeenlinna Central Hospital Radiology Department 2006 and worked in Laitila health centre as a general practitioner 2007. In 2008 I continued my radiology residency in Turku University Hospital and got my radiology diploma in 2010. I continued as neuroradiology fellow and got my neuroradiologist diploma in 2012. I also did a EDiNR exam in 2016. I was appointed as a associate professor of radiology in University of Turku in December 2022.

I have done some science and you can check my publications here. My thesis on imaging neurokinin-1 receptors in humans using PET was completed in june 2019.

I’m a techie and part time system administrator. I run PACS servers and radiology workstations. I use macOS, linux and OpenBSDs. Check out my tech page for more. I do some coding, mainly related to dicom image processing and AI applications. I use mainly python.

I love to read and listen to music. I do something sporty almost everyday.

For information what I’m doing now, check out my now page.

B.r., Mikko

© 2008–2024 Mikko Nyman